I decided to give a try to the Uppercase magazine and I loved it.I chose

to order an older issue or #3 one.I savoured each article with a lot of pleasure.There is so much inspiration in every single one!
But the one that got my creative juices running the fastest was the article about Guylaine Couture,
a graphic designer from Montreal,
and her collages.I liked the freedom and creativity she approached this form of art.And I wanted to try it.
I was fascinated by the liberating part of it!
There is not right or wrong in it!!!You do it the way you want it!
So I decided to try to make my own "cahiers"/notebooks/ of collages.I think it is a great way to unlock or it is more correctly to call it unblock
your creativity.
At the moment I am in a period of doubts and questions so this form of art, I hope, will keep my creative juices flowing.

The last two pictures are layouts from my new collage notebook.Believe me it is a great fun.The best thing is that every page is a work in progress.