This is another page of my art journal- a double sketch of my daughter at the age of three.
I am not in a mood of painting today- too busy getting ready for Christmas.I have to wrap some presents ,to get the stoking fillers ready,to write and send some cards to relatives here in town and so on little things that are time consuming.
I will be happy if I have a little time for a sketch or a mixed media something.I have finished three mixed media cards which I would call inspirational cards but I haven't found the time to upload them in the computer and post them in my blog.
It is still very cold outside as it was the last three days.This morning when I took my daughter to school it was 6 bellow zero.It felt cold but not so bad.There was not any wind which was nice.I don't want to sound crazy but I love winter,especially the winter sunny and snowy days.